Event Details

Evaluation and indicators update

Wednesday, 28 September, 2022
Istanbul, Turkey

In this event we would like to exchange what evaluation activities you should consider now:

  • What tasks/activities related to evaluation for the 2014-2020 still need to done?
  • What are upcoming evaluation activities for the 2021-2027?

We will start this event with clarifying open questions related to the evaluation report (Article 114 of the 14-20 CPR – summary report for evaluations).

Interreg programmes have to draft an evaluation plan for the 2021-2027 period. Therefore, we would like to discuss the practical aspects of the evaluation plan, e. g how to involve the Monitoring Committee from the onset, clarification of the major overarching evaluation objectives for the new period, budgeting and sequencing of evaluation activities, the option to look into projects from the 2014-2020 period to get insights on lasting effects etc.

Finally, based on the approved Interreg programmes we would like to reflect on the first observations related to the intervention logic, the methodology paper and the indicators used. Together with the Evaluation Unit colleagues we would like to discuss good examples and possible pitfalls in the use of the selected indicators. The intention is to give an overview of the used indicators and exchange on possible ensuing consequences. Therefore, we will present and discuss concrete examples of indicators related to most common topics e.g. environment, culture, Interreg programme communication, etc.

Throughout the event, Irina Ciocirlan and David Alba (European Commission, DG REGIO, Evaluation and European Semester Unit) will be present and share with us their expertise on these topics.


Target group

The meeting is for Interreg MA and JS staff, who are working on evaluation, monitoring and indicator issues.

If you would like to learn more about the basic facts about the topics, please also check out the material of our event Methodology paper (2 June 2021) , and Let's get started: Evaluation Plan (25 January 2022)

Should you identify any topics from the agenda for which you would like to share a short presentation, please feel free to let us know.



The registration for this event is now closed. The event is fully booked.


Other information

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to address

Daniela Minichberger (daniela.minichberger@interact-eu.net) and

Bernhard Schausberger (bernhard.schausberger@interact-eu.net and

Besiana Ninka (besiana.ninka@interact-eu.net).

Presentation | Evaluation and indicators update
Contact: Daniela Minichberger
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