Event Details

Simplification of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC)

Wednesday, 22 November, 2017
Brussels, Belgium

Organised jointly by the Interact, Committee of the Regions, the European Commission and regional policy specialists Europa Decentraal, the event will address priorities for simplification of ETC from both the managing authorities' and the project manager's perspective, as well as the perspective from the EGTCs. It will take stock of experience to date in the context of the current legislative framework and identify possible solutions to challenges encountered which could be considered by the Commission in the preparation of the legislative proposals on the post-2020 ESIF framework.    

In preparation for the three interactive sessions, we also request that you complete the questionnaire below and return it to us (at egtc@cor.europa.eu)  by 6 November. Your input will help us to identify and analyse the key issues and challenges which will be presented by the chair of the relevant session. For practical reasons we request that the questionnaires be completed in English as far as possible, while interpretation will be provided in several languages during the workshop itself (EN, FR, DE, CS, PL).  

To register for the event please follow this link:


Please do not hesitate to contact coter@cor.europa.eu should you have any further questions.

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