Event Details

Halfway through the programming 2014-2020 – halfway through the programme spending?

Thursday, 22 February, 2018
Nice, France

It is already 2018, which brings us to a halfway through the programming period 2014-2020. But how far are we with our programmes’ implementation and achievement of objectives? How good are we at the efficient spending of the allocated funding? Is everything going according to a plan or are there any hindrances that could take our trains off the rails?

The most efficient use of the allocated to the programme funding is equally important as reaching programme objectives with the help of high quality projects. For that reason, ensuring appropriate and timely spending is an ongoing challenge that should not be only considered at the end of the programming period, but constantly. This event will provide a space for programmes to discuss problems and challenges they face in their programmes’ implementation and spending, and to identify solutions which could support programmes in better/ more effective use of the allocated funding.

During the event we will look at the overall stage of Interreg implementation to date and on the estimates of the financial planning for 2018. A special place in the event will be dedicated to discuss on how to ensure high spending level rates – a brief follow-up on the survey on spending level in 2007-2013 conducted by Interact will be presented, accompanied with a number of programmes sharing their experience and strategies in implemented and/ or planned measures on ensuring effective spending. The recent updated EGESIF’s decommitment methodology and process in 2014-2020 will be closely looked at. Calculation of decommitment targets will be brought up to the attention of participants once again. Strategies on how to combat decommitment risks will be discussed.

The primarily target groups of the event are Interreg Managing Authorities and finance officers of Joint Secretariats.

Please note: 'confirmed' participants will be asked to fill in a short survey prior to the event.

The event is fully booked. Registration is closed.

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