Event Details

Impact stories – added value of the EU macro-regions

Wednesday, 21 September, 2022
Izola, Slovenia

EU macro-regional strategies (MRS) are a unique policy framework and, as such, require designing and establishing approaches not only for their governance and implementation but also to monitor and evaluate capturing the unique added values this framework brings to collaboration in Europe. Up to date, efforts have been made to develop proposals to monitor, assess and evaluate MRS implementation process, performance and progress within a macro-regional strategy. More can be done to explain, present, and promote MRS framework, by exchanging experiences and designing more harmonised approaches to monitor and evaluate the work of MRS and communicate the change brought about by MRS.

Building on existing experiences and the unique added value of MRS and considering above defined purpose of MRS, the discussion in this workshop will focus on:

  • How MRS design and develop monitoring and evaluation processes to communicate MRS uniqueness, and
  • What is already done? Is there potential and a need for further development.

This workshop is organised during the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regional Strategies Week 2022 and targets MRS capacity builders and support structures for cross-MRS learning.  

Contact: Ilze Ciganska
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