Event Details

ICON training on graphic design

Thursday, 9 December, 2021
Online, 9:15 - 13.00 CET

Join our annual Interreg Communication Network (ICON) meeting! The first session of the ICON --organised in February- offered the details of the main communication campaigns throughout this year. Now it's time to have the ICON annual training.

According to your needs, a session on graphic design would be appreciated so let's work together on the different aspects of graphic design, both for printed material and social media posts. The programme, developed by the trainer Aurélie Pons, will explain the main concepts of graphic design: CRAP (contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity), space and colour management, the ideal composition of artwork, technical vocabulary we need to know, etc. It will also give tips and tricks, trends on graphic design, and analysis of examples, among others. This training will combine theory with practical exercises, so be ready to be the best 'hands-on' version of yourself and learn by doing.

Apart from the training, we will have a short session on communication updates and the future of European Cooperation Day. As regards the latter, we'd like you to have a say and vote for your preferred branding approach and name.       

Presentations | ICON Training on Graphic Design
Video | ICON Part I Branding, Inform EU, EC Day
Video | ICON Part II training on graphic design
Contact: Laura Belenguer
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