Event Details

Capitalisation Tailored Support - Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro (Core activity 1)

Thursday, 22 July, 2021
Online 9:00 - 17:30 CET

The workshop is the first step of the support activity provided by Interact to the Programmes selected under the "Capitalisation Tailored Support" service, for 2021.

Each of the 5 Interreg programme selected has agreed a specific roadmap for its "Capitalisation Tailoreed Support Package" and will now move one towards concrete activities and steps aimed at establishing or enhancing their capitalisation approaches 2021-2027.

The support includes the implementation of specific coaching & capacity building events, as well as concrete support in defining and drafting the relevant capitalisation procedures and documents.

In this case, Interact and the IT-AL-ME programme are willing to promote a common understanding and shared orientations, among the authorities of the programme in order to define the appropriate ‘model’ of capitalisation for the 2021-2027 period.

This ad-hoc event, as part of the approved "Capitalisation Tailoreed Support Package", is restricted to the Programme's Authorities and bodies.


For further information you can contact: capitalisation.support@interact-eu.net

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