Event Details

Peer Review ‘Methodology Paper’

Tuesday, 23 March, 2021
Online 09:30 - 12:30

Building on the experience and knowledge of the previous events on intervention logic and methodology papers, we are organizing a peer-review session to discuss, review and examine the draft methodology for a methodology paper.

The MED Interreg programme will present their draft methodology paper and it will be reviewed by other programmes. The objective is an in-depth look at a specific programme example, by critically and constructively reviewing the different parts of the methodology paper to get a better understanding of:

  • The process of developing a methodology paper,
  • The structure of the methodology paper,
  • The quality of the methodology paper,
  • The length and level of detail of certain points, and
  • The method applied for target and baseline setting.

We aim to help design a sound methodology and provide additional input from other programmes’ knowledge. This will not only help the “reviewed” programme but will also contribute to the drafting of the methodology paper in other programmes by gaining more knowledge and discovering new aspects.

Preparatory material will be provided to participants before the meeting.

The event is for experienced MA and JS staff, who answered to the expression of interest that was published in the Thematic Network ‘Results and Evaluation’. If you register for the event you are strongly encouraged to actively contribute to the discussion(s), since the event is not designed to listen-in, only.

We will exclusively focus on the review aspect. We will not discuss basic of drafting the intervention logic and setting targets. If you would like to learn more about the - the topic, please check out our Q&A Intervention Logic and Methodology Paper.

Please note that participation is by invitation only. For any questions, please contact the event organiser.

Presentation | Finalise your intervention logic & methodology paper
Presentation | Peer review Methodology paper
Contact: Daniela Minichberger
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