Event Details
Decision-making in the online environment

In the current COVID-19 situation, where it is almost impossible to organize physical events, online meetings have become the obvious reality. Such meetings work well when they involve simple, one-way communication activities such as presentations, or when we work with very specific topics and in small groups. However, the situation becomes a lot trickier with interactive meetings, such as Q&As and networking, and even more so in events where formal decisions must be taken (e.g., Monitoring Committee or Joint Programming meetings).
Many Interreg Programmes have already reached the stage where such important meetings can no longer be postponed, and the use of other methods (i.e., written procedures) does not always allow for proper exchanges between stakeholders. The solution could be to organize online meetings with an embedded decision-making process.
With this training, we will encourage participants to explore the options available to them, and help them to better understand how the decision-making process could be effectively facilitated in an online environment.
Please register for this training using the button below.
Should you have any questions about this event, please contact the member of Interact's staff whose name appears below.