Event Details
AIR and Performance Review
Interact invites Interreg Programme Managers to join us at this workshop on Annual Implementation Report and Performance Review.
As with every year, programmes have to write an Annual Implementation Report (AIR) in the year 2019. The aim of this event is to support Interreg programmes in their reporting tasks and encourage good practice. That is why this event will discuss the main challenges and open questions, such as ‘how to report the result indicators’ and ‘how to collect data from the beneficiaries more efficiently’.
The performance framework is one of the tools to achieve the result-orientation of the ESI Funds. A set of milestones and targets were defined for each priority in the programmes. These milestones should have been achieved by 31 December 2018 and will be assessed in 2019. What are the main findings of the assessment and what does that outcome mean for Interreg programmes?
Throughout the event two members of the European Commission (John Walsh and David Alba) will be present.