Event Details
Annual accounts - how to improve
All of the annual accounts submitted by Interreg programmes in 2018 have been already examined and accepted by the Commission.
We would like to bring together MAs, CAs, AAs of Interreg programmes and the Commission colleagues to discuss jointly their feedback and exchange good and bad experience.
The main objectives of the event are for programmes authorities to: learn from others on best practices implemented, to get familiar with commonly made mistakes and to identify ways the process of submission of annual accounts for the programme can be improved.
Please note that the event is targeted at MAs, CAs and AAs representatives who are directly responsible for preparation and submission of annual accounts in Interreg programmes.
In order to ensure best environment for effective exchange we have to limit overall number of participants. As we would like to invite representatives from different Member States and programmes, we aim at accepting maximum 2-3 representatives per programme/Member State. Especially in case of same authority (CA or AA) covering multiple programmes.