Event Details

Audit Authorities (AA) network meeting

Wednesday, 14 June, 2017 to Thursday, 15 June, 2017

Back in 2009 Interact created the network of Audit Authorities and members of Group of Auditors of Interreg /European Territorial Cooperation programmes. This network has met in Lisbon, Paris, Vienna, Dublin, Athens, Dubrovnik and Budapest. And will continue to meet in Malta in 2017 and all around Europe in the upcoming years.

The aim of those meetings is to exchange among AAs their practices about their daily work and also to exchange with the European Commission auditors about the “hot topics” of the moment. This years’ meeting will not be different in this respect and we have secured a strong participation from the European Commission. The issues selected so far are final reports of the period 20007-2013, designation, models of assurance, anti-fraud measures, simplified costs options, etc.  

A bit of a novelty is that the second day will be organised as back-to-back event with Certifying Authorities network meeting in order to share some sessions together. Audit and Certifying Authorities are highly dependent on each other in the process of submission of annual accounts. The objective of this part of the event is to bring these stakeholders together in order to create a better understanding on each other’s role both in control process and in the process of submission of annual accounts.

As you can see in this draft agenda, participants are encouraged to contact Interact if they identify a topic on the agenda for which they would be willing to share their practice/experiences through a presentation or to help shaping the agenda by sending to the contact below any concrete question, aspect, topic related to the CA work they would like to discuss in more detail. The success of the event is highly dependent on your active contribution and having cases studies from your programme can help this success.

Regarding the registration, please note that due to the joint organisation, participants need to register in both Interact and the Presidency registration system. Once your participation is approved by Interact you will receive detailed information about registration to the Presidency system.

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