Event Details

Finance network meeting of Transnational and Interregional programmes

Wednesday, 30 November, 2016 to Thursday, 1 December, 2016
Munich, Germany

This is a meeting organised for members of the Finance Network of Transnational and Interregional Programmes only.

The main objectives of this meeting are to network and to discuss subjects related to the financial management of the 2014-2020 programmes. These subjects include programme rules and procedures, simplified cost options - how things such as control and audit are going in practice - submission of annual accounts to the EC, closure of the 2007-2013 period, a review of the Basecamp tool, etc. In addition, priority topics identified by the group will be discussed. 

Participants will gain an understanding/overview of approaches applied in different programmes. They will share ideas and work together towards solutions to common challenges.

Please note that attendance is by invitation only. The registration link for the event will be sent to those who are invited, as will the agenda.

For more information please contact Robert Mazurkiewicz via the link below.

Contact: Robert Mazurkiewicz
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