Event Details

Blue skills - Knowledge of the seas network

Wednesday, 16 November, 2016 to Thursday, 17 November, 2016
Rostock, Germany


This event will look at the theme of Blue skills from four different perspectives. On the one hand, the first two sessions offer the opportunity to learn more about the topic of Blue skills from both the European and macro-regional (strategy) perspective as well as the thematic stakeholders’ and experts’ perspective. On the other hand, the event offers the opportunity for (Interreg) programmes to promote how they support Blue skills as programme and through their projects (programme and project perspectives).    

The target group of this event are on the one hand Interreg Programmes with a maritime character or component, and here especially Joint Secretariat staff members dealing with maritime/marine project generation, assessment, monitoring and support. At the same time, the meeting will provide a broader approach by also inviting thematic experts and stakeholders as well as project representatives to ensure a holistic view to the topic of Blue skills.


Originally being a network of only maritime Interreg CBC programmes, the network has been opened up in 2015 for involvement from beyond maritime Interreg CBC programmes depending on the concrete theme on the agenda. The activities of this ‘Knowledge of the Seas’ network consist of two main components: to jointly RECEIVE knowledge of the seas: sharing knowledge and exchange of experiences, organise seminars, workshops, thematic trainings, and to jointly PRODUCE AND PROMOTE knowledge of the seas: organise seminars, workshop etc., participate in public events as e.g. the joint stand at the European Maritime Day 2016 in Turku, Finland.

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