Event Details

SCOs in the new programming period

Tuesday, 8 November, 2022 to Wednesday, 9 November, 2022
Prague, Czech Republic

For the past 2.5 years, SCOs community has been actively working on various SCOs-related topics. We discussed extensively how to approach SCOs and how to start with methodologies, how to design SCOs, how to embed SCOs in the programme procedures  and processes, we ran workshops dedicated to specific topics (the draft budget method, how to communicate SCOs to beneficiaries, etc.). With this physical event, we would like to reconnect with the network and to start discussing practicalities when it comes to SCOs in 2021-2027. 

Participants will receive information on the latest developments related to SCOs from different working areas and stakeholders (e.g., results of HIT, Jems, network meetings, TN SCOs network meeting and subgroup meetings). We will also look at the common audit findings from the 2014-2020 programming period and gold plating examples from the assessment of SCOs schemes submitted to the EC. We will look into programmes’ strategies to update SCOs for the 2021-2027 programming period. We will also continue our discussion on the draft budget method to establish SCOs.



We will see to: 
• reflect on developments in the SCOs community; 
• discuss hot topics; 
• reflect on audit findings from the assessment of SCOs schemes submitted to the EC (Article 94 CPR) and from the 2014-2020 programming period; 
• discuss on how to adjust SCOs methodologies used in 2014-2020 for the new programming period; 
• discuss the draft budget method to establish SCOs; 
• discuss gold plating from the audit findings of the assessment of SCOs; 
• plan SCOs activities for 2023 and to define priority topics. 


Target group 

The event is dedicated and limited to the experienced Interreg programmes’ staff (from joint secretariats/ managing authorities/ audit authorities working with SCOs). To ensure participation of a wide range of programmes, the participation is limited to 2 representatives per programme (involved in finance and/or content).  

Presentations | SCOs in the new programming period
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