Event Details

Capacity building programme for capacity builders in EU macro-regional strategies: Module 3

Wednesday, 2 February, 2022 to Thursday, 3 February, 2022
Online 09:00-13:00 CET both days

The Module 3 of the “Capacity building programme for capacity builders in the EU macro-regional strategies” will look into maturity of the EU macro-regional strategies (MRS). Besides, participants will explore what capacity support is needed in each of the maturity phases of the MRS and by each stakeholder group. Initially, the concept of MRS maturity was presented in the study "Macro-regional strategies and their links with Cohesion Policy".

Overall, the Capacity building programme for capacity builders in the MRS aims to strengthen MRS Support Units in their function. 

The Programme is open for MRS Support Units and /or other representatives nominated by the MRS National Coordinators. The Programme is built on 7 interconnected modules addressing various topics. 

Please note, participation in this event is by invitation only. 

Contact: Baiba Liepa
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