Event Details

6th CA network meeting

Tuesday, 16 March, 2021
Online 9:00 - 12:45 CET

Certifying Authorities network used to meet annually to exchange on needs and challenges. Last year we were not able to meet, and as expressed by many CAs, there is a need to meet shortly online to check the current stage of implementation and discuss urgent issues.  

The agenda provides an overview of topics that could be of interest for CAs from all Interreg programmes. However, the list of topics to be discussed during the event is not exhaustive. This is due to the primary goal of the network event, i.e., to respond to the programmes’ needs and challenges. Thus, the agenda items remain subject to adjustment, in line with the information collected from the participants during the registration.

The main objective of the meeting is to work on several subjects related to the financial management of the 2014-2020 and 2021-2027 programmes. These subjects can include closure of the 2014-2020 and the setting of accounting function for 2021-2027.

This network meeting is targeting certifying authorities of Interreg programmes.

Presentation | 6th CA network meeting
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