Event Details
Financial instruments in Interreg: Wishful thinking or Reality?

Grants have been a main delivery tool in Interreg for 30 years, even though there are no legal restrictions and other forms of support can be provided to projects.
In the 2000-2006 programming period, financial instruments (FIs) were introduced in the EC’s centrally managed policies. In the 2014-2020 programming period, around 6% of the ESIF budget is estimated to be delivered through financial instruments.
Financial instruments are not made to replace grants. They can be used in combination with grants to support revenue-generating and cost-saving projects, and to attract additional public and private resources.
Objectives of the meeting
During this online session, you will learn more about the nature of financial instruments, how they work and what benefits as compared to grants they bring. You will learn about what is foreseen in the field of financial instruments in the post2020 (rules and provisions for combinations with grants). Last but not least, you will learn about practical recommendations on what it takes to set up an Interreg financial instrument, where to start and what to account for, as well as you will get to know some examples of the FIs from the mainstream programmes.
Target group
Managing authorities and joint secretariat of Interreg, ENI and IPA-CBC programmes.
If a topic of financial instruments is completely new for you, please take a look at our publication 'Financial instruments: What is in for me? A note to the managing authorities of Interreg programmes'.