Event Details

Q&A live session | ISO 2: A safer and more secure Europe

Monday, 6 July, 2020
Online 14:00 – 15:30 CET

During this Q&A session, representatives from the European Commission, DG Regio, D1 Unit, will answer key questions regarding the Interreg Specific Objective “A safer and more secure Europe”. In addition to questions submitted during the event registration, you will have the opportunity to submit your questions during the session using online tools.

In preparation of the event, we would like to invite you to watch the following videos: 

  1. Video: Interreg Specific Objective 2. Gilles Kittel, EC, DG REGIO, D1 Unit
  2. Video: Synergies and complementarities with other EU funds. Sanna Kuuka, Jasminka D’Souza, Constantina Karagiorgi EC, DG HOME
  3. Video: Interreg Specific Objective 2 - Programmes' reflections: Interreg IPA CBC Romania- Serbia Oana Cristea
  4. Video: Interreg Specific Objective 2 - Programmes' reflections: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Albania - Montenegro Mauro Novello

The presentations are also available to download from the Library.

Video | ISO2: A safer and more secure Europe. EC, DG Regio, D1 Unit
Video | ISO2: A safer and more secure Europe. Programme’s reflection. IPA CBC Romania-Serbia programme
Video | ISO2: A safer and more secure Europe. Programme’s reflection. IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro programme
Video | ISO2: Synergies and complementarities with other EU Funds. EC, DG HOME
Presentations | ISO2 A safer and more secure Europe
Video | ISO2: Q&A session with EC, DG Regio
Contact: Besiana Ninka
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