Event Details

Fit for SMEs

Tuesday, 19 May, 2020
Online 09:45 - 13:30 CET

The online event ‘Fit for SMEs’ aims to disseminate to a broad Interreg community good practices and management models of some Interreg programmes which have been intensively working with SMEs in their projects. We will look at the current situation with SMEs involvement in Interreg projects and also will look at the future policy objectives to identify a place for SMEs there. We will discuss simplification measures used by different programmes to attract SMEs and to ease the challenges that they might struggle with when it comes to the regulatory framework and requirements (e.g., state aid, intellectual property rights, public procurement, etc.).

Currently many of the Interreg programmes took steps to make it possible for SMEs to participate in cross-border and transnational projects being not only a ‘traditional’ target group, but also making it possible to act as a project or even lead partner. Acknowledging the significant importance that SMEs have on product, process and technological innovation and the application of these advancements in daily practice, the need of involvement of SMEs in Interreg projects becomes more and more vivid.

To allow for better use of available time, prior to the event we will share series of videos with some stakeholders (Interreg programmes, SMEs representatives). We will pick up the key points from them and will have live Q&A sessions with the panellists during the online meeting. 


Prior to the event

Below you will find videos and presentations connected to 2 sessions of the online event (i.e., 'Management models', where 3 Interreg programmes share their experience with engaging SMEs, and 'What do they say?', where SMEs share their experience of working with Interreg programmes). 


Presentations | Fit for SMEs
Contact: Bernhard Schausberger
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