Event Details
A coordinated approach to shared priorities - 2021-2027 in the BSR
This event was originally planned for 25 March 2020. It has been postponed following a decision of Interact in support of containment strategies against COVID-19 being implemented across Europe and in Regions in which we operate. The new event date now is 3 June 2020. The agenda and registration link will be updated.
The draft regulatory proposals for 2021-2027 Cohesion Policy underline cooperation as a horizontal objective. Synergies and complementarities across funding programmes are encouraged. Taking this into account, as a part of Interact's support to the post-2020 programming, Interact is organising meetings bringing together Interreg programmes (both CBC and transnational) as well as ENI programmes for a discussion on territorial impact and coordination. Such pilot events will be held in four different geographies in Europe, one of those being the Baltic Sea region.
The overall aim of this regional forum remains unchanged. On the one hand, it is to raise awareness among programmes on what other programmes will thematically focus on in 2021-2027. And on the other hand, to discuss possible synergies of programme contributions to the main thematic challenges for the Baltic Sea region. Taking into account the changed situation, the meeting will be held online with slightly adjusted content (see in the agenda) and encouraging more preparatory work by the event participants prior to the event.
Main target group for the meeting are the programmes’ Managing Authorities. However, if considered relevant, the participation of Member States' or Joint Secretariat representatives is welcome.
The objective of the meeting is to enhance the exchange between programmes and to support coordination in programming Interreg 2021-2027 in the Baltic Sea region. It will provide an overview of thematic directions the different programmes intend to take in 2021-2027 and an initial exchange on possible complementarities. In addition, it will be jointly discussed how the governance structures of the EUSBSR and other regional coordination and cooperation formats could be exploited in the coordination context.