Event Details
Interreg project communication camp

This is a hands-on training for staff of Joint Secretariats and Managing Authorities of Interreg programmes whose main job is to advise project partners and applicants in communication and content-related issues.
If you are a project applicant or a project beneficiary, this event is not for you.
The aim is to empower programme officers in helping project partners use communication as a means of achieving their project objectives.
How will we do this?
During the camp we will reflect on project communication from the point of view of project partners. The main focus will be on the typical tasks of a project partner, and we will not discuss programme practices in detail.
The training is for a maximum of 26 participants. The small size of the group will allow for a lot of interaction, so you can expect to be very active during the two-and-a-half days of training.
Through exercises and discussions we will reflect on the best ways to integrate communication into the project life cycle, identifying useful methods for you to use to help project partners.
In addition, you will train your Plain Language skills.
To register, please use the button below.
For more information, you can mail Eva Martínez Orosa (eva.martinez@interact-eu.net)