Event Details

Finance advisory for Croatia

Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 to Wednesday, 20 March, 2019
Zagreb, Croatia

The main objective of this 1,5 day meeting is to have the possibility to learn new practices and exchange experiences among participants. Together with colleagues, participants will be able to identify common challenges in their daily work and share solutions and problem solving methods.

This workshop is a targeted advisory for Croatia. It centers around a mix of training and discussion sessions, covering various pre-defined topics such as project assessment, public procurement, irregularities and fraud, risk-based sampling and changes expected post2020. Another topic will be the Omnibus regulation and associated simplifications that can be implemented already in this period. 

Participants will also get to know the risk scoring tool Arachne and exchange on its practical use in Interreg. Practical work will encompass financial corrections for public procurement, risk-based management verifications and post2020 simplifications. Experts from a CBC and a transnational Programme will provide first-hand experience on project selection and implementation as well as the use of Arachne for scoring certain risks.

The target group for this event is restricted to representatives of Interreg programmes National Authorities, Managing Authorities, Joint Secretariats, National control and Audit Authorities working in Croatia.

Please note that participation in this event is upon invitation only!

Presentations | Financial advisory for Croatia
Contact: Aija Prince
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