Event Details

Macro-regional strategies and Transnational Programmes

Thursday, 29 November, 2018
Brussels, Belgium

Interact, in close cooperation with the network of Interreg transnational programmes, and DG REGIO is organising a "Joint meeting of chairpersons of National Coordinators groups for the EU macro-regional strategies and Monitoring Committees of the Interreg transnational programmes". In particular, this meeting will focus on the current and future role of the Interreg transnational programmes in supporting the MRS as well as ongoing negotiation process on the 2021-2027 EU budget.

The meeting is planned to be of informal character providing the representatives of the relevant stakeholders’ groups with the collection of good practices and ideas that would contribute to the formal negotiation and programming processes.

The event will:  

  • Kick-off a dialogue between relevant stakeholders’ groups; 
  • Provide a possibility to discuss needs of the MRS and to brainstorm on how Interreg transnational programmes could be used most efficiently to reply to these needs;
  • Share lessons learnt and experiences of Interreg transnational programmes in supporting the MRS in the current programming period (2014-2020);
  • Elaborate further suggestions on how to closely interlink stakeholders responsible for the MRS implementation and programming of Cohesion Policy funds at the national level.  

Participation to the event is upon invitation only. 

About the Network: Interact facilitates a network of Interreg transnational programmes dedicated to supporting the EU macro-regional strategies (MRS). The network started in 2013 and is composed of Interreg transnational programmes’ Managing Authorities/Joint Secretariats and Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). The network serves primarily as a platform for exchanging experiences and practices in providing support to the MRS implementation; furthermore, it provides opportunities for discussing and developing suggestions for improved support to the MRS. 

Contact: Baiba Liepa
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