Event Details
Regional network meeting of CBC programmes

It’s time to meet again! It’s time for the 11th edition of Interact Office Vienna Network meeting of CBC programmes of Central and South East European area, but we welcome also colleagues from all interested Interreg programmes to join us.
This meeting will be a great occasion to discuss with the programmes the recent novelties related to Interreg Post 2020 as well as current implementation topics. Simplification is the key word of present and of the future. Therefore, as it was the case in the past, Interact wants to provide a chance to programmes to exchange experiences and to support each other as well as to identify needs for Interact’s support on their preparation for the new period.
This network meeting aims at joint learning and exchange of experience and information among managers of CBC programmes primarily in the Central and South East Europe area but the event is open to all Interreg programmes.
Another objective of this network meeting is to provide room for discussion on actual topics such as the preparation of the programme’s annual account to be submitted to EC, de-commitment risk as well as the Omnibus regulation, difficulties faced and options to overcome them.