Pilot project – the Interact helpdesk
Here in Interact, we are always thinking about new ways we can support you and your colleagues.
So, on Thursday the 8th of July, between the hours of 11:00 and 12:00 CET, we will be available live to take questions from you. We will do our very best to answer your question there and then – and if we can't do that, we'll pass your question on to a colleague who can.
As this is a pilot project, we have no idea how many of you will contact us – but we can assure you that if you can't get through to us in the hour we have the helpdesk open, then it's because so many of you are interested in this new service. If this proves successful on the 8th, we very much hope to develop a regular service soon.
You can join us by downloading the iCal invite with the details, or contacting Marie.