Translation glossary

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ENannual implementation report
DEJährlicher Durchführungsbericht
annual implementation report
Annual Implementation Reports are documents reporting the progress of programmes, prepared annually by programmes, approved by monitoring committees and submitted to the European Commission.
An applicant is an organisation which is applying for funding.
ENapplication form
application form
An application form is a binding document which describes the project (objectives, results, outputs, partnership) and gives detailed information on the work plan and financial figures. The appplication form has to be submitted during the selection process and is assessed by the programme bodies, in order to select the projects to be funded by the programme. Once the project is approved, the application form becomes the reference document for the whole implementation of the project until its closure. The content of it may change to a certain extent during the implementation, but only according to the programme's project modifications rules and procedures. (HIT)
ENapplication package
application package
An application package consists of all documents required when applying for funding. The essential part of the package is the application form, which is often accompanied by different annexes (depending on programme rules).
ENassessment questions
assessment questions
Assessment questions are specific questions used for assessing if the project is suitable for funding under the respective programme.
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