Translation glossary

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ENamount certified
DEzertifizierter/bescheinigter Betrag
amount certified
The amount certified is the amount of eligible expenditure included in the certificate of the certifying authority (CA) or the controller (FLC).
ENamount declared
DEdeklarierter Betrag
amount declared
The amount declared is the amount of expenditure incurred and paid (or calculated, based on simplified cost options) by a project partner in relation to preparation, and/or implementation of the project. The amount may include in-kind contribution and depreciation, where applicable, and is subject to verification by the first level controller and the relevant programme bodies.
ENamount previously reported
DEbisher zertifizierter Betrag
amount previously reported
The amount previously reported is the amount of accumulated eligible expenditure certified by the certifying authority (CA) in previous Progress Reports.
ENamount verified
DEgeprüfter Betrag
amount verified
The amount verified is the amount of expenditure checked. Verification is performed by first level controllers (FLC) and relevant programme bodies.
An annex is a document or documents attached to the main form to be submitted to the programme at different stages (e.g., Application Form, Progress Report).
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