Event Details

Workshop: advanced capitalisation methodologies - Capitalisation Tailored Support 2022

Wednesday, 20 April, 2022 to Thursday, 21 April, 2022
Florence, Italy

As part of the supporting activities for the enhancement of capitalisation activities, Capitalisation Tailored Support 2022, Interact is organising a series of workshops for a small group of Programmes.

The workshops will be organised throughout the year and will focus on very specific challenges and difficulties for the implementation of capitalisation approaches.

The main objective is to allow peer learning and review with the support of Interact and external experts.

This first meeting will specify and address the main challenges related to: 

  • Support in the drafting of capitalisation calls,
  • Support in the identification of potential stakeholders (including outside Interreg), who could be interested to re-use outputs and results “Takers”,
  • Support to thematic clusters/communities,
  • Support specific thematic events.

This first workshop is upon invitation for some of the Programmes that will be selected under the "Call for Interest - Interact “Capitalisation tailored support 2022". Any Programme with specific needs and interest in participating can contact Ivano Magazzù.


Presentations | Workshop: advanced capitalisation methodologies - Capitalisation Tailored Support 2022
Publication | Capitalisation Management Guide
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