Event Details

Working group on Simplified Cost Options

Tuesday, 13 June, 2017
Sliema, Malta

The working group on Simplified Cost Options brings together representatives of Audit Authorities, Managing Authorities/Joint Secretariats and The European Commission. The aim of this group is to work together on further harmonisation and clarification of the legal requirements regarding the use and audit of Simplified Cost Options. This joint work will result in a Question and Answer document that will provide guidance on the practical application of the 2014-2020 rules concerning Simplified Cost Options in Interreg Programmes - with the main focus on areas of control and audit.

The Question and Answer document will be available to all Interreg Programmes. It will support the work of auditors and bodies responsible for management verifications, by giving clear directions on what to check when Simplified Cost Options are used.

This is the 3rd meeting of the working group. The objectives of this meeting are to discuss the status of the Question and Answer document, and to exchange and agree on any outstanding questions/issues.

Please note that participation in this meeting is by invitation only. You are kindly asked to contact the Interact staff member named below if you have any questions about participation, agenda, or indeed any other matters related to this meeting or this topic.

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