Event Details
Webinar: Improving Synergies in the Med - New Calls to come

After a long period of Task Force meetings, most programmes in the Mediterranean area would have submitted their Cooperation Programme to the Commission , therefore this meeting will be one of a series of events passing from Interreg programming exercise to the first steps of the programme’s implementation which is the drafting of calls.
As you can see in the attached draft agenda, during the webinar, information on the next Interreg calls, coming up during 2022 and 2023 will be given following the programmme's selected specific objectives. In addition to this and to promote synergies between Interreg and EU direct management programmes (Horizon Europe, LIFE, COSME, EMFF and Health4EU), two sessions will be organised where we are expecting EC RTD's support : Presentation of the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area (SEDIA) tool and next calls/approaches for Horizon Europe and Prima .
Kindly note that participation in this event is by invitation only.