Event Details
Transfer of project results: mainstreaming activities in public policies
The experience gained by Interreg Programmes 2014-2020 in terms of capitalisation and improvement of projects results, represents a significant heritage to be valorised and concretely used within the 2021-2027 programming period and in view to further upscale and project quality.
As increasingly emerged, valuable Interreg results are meant to impact policy initiatives at territorial level throughout ‘mainstreaming’ activities aimed at supporting the capitalisation process of ETC with reference to the whole of development and Cohesion Policy programmes financed by European (ESI funds, Next Generation EU) or national resources (ex. Development and Cohesion Fund).
Interact proposes an exchange between the Programmes, the beneficiaries of cooperation projects and the main stakeholders in order to identify, define and test possible tools and methodologies aimed at sharing and effective transfer of results. Thus, this workshop intends to offer concrete elements to allow the political decision-making process to re-use the best Interreg results for the achievement of strategic objectives supporting the social and economic growth of EU regions.
The workshop will also be an opportunity to present the activities Interact is running for the definition of a methodological and working document related to the process of 'transfer of results'.
The workshop will focus on the following issues:
- How can Interreg Programmes to support and facilitate this process?
- What are the main characteristics of the process for the transfer of results?
- How the institutional and political level can be involved towards the transfer and re-use of results?
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To identify a way of sharing and transferring results obtained in the context of Interreg projects’ implementation;
- To identify ways of involving the institutional level towards the transfer and re-use of results;
- To propose improved methodologies and solutions for effective transfer and mainstreaming activities.