Event Details

Testing and using Arachne

Thursday, 23 February, 2017
Brussels, Belgium

Many Interreg programmes are testing Arachne now or have decided to use it and seek for further explanations on how to "read" the information coming from it.

Some programmes asked for specific support on how to use the results of the Arachne analyses and how to interpret the risk indicators’ values and apply them to the Interreg context.

During this meeting DG Regio and DG Employment representatives will present their view on how risk indicators should be read, used and applied.

The meeting foresees active contributions from all participants, with only brief presentations to introduce questions from programmes.

The event is dedicated to Interreg programmes’ staff from the MAs and JSs.

Presentation on Arachne usage by Interreg programmes
Integration of ARACHNE into Management and Control System
ARACHNE at project selection phase
ARACHNE at the project implementation phase
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