Event Details
Quality of cooperation
Cooperation is the core element of Interreg programmes. In this regard, we would like to organise a series of events, focussing on:
- What "quality of cooperation" means to Interreg programmes through a co-creation approach;
- What selection criteria can support assessing this aspect, and
- What might help to monitor, report and evaluate the quality of cooperation.
In this first event we would like to introduce you to a hands-on methodology to capture and work on the quality of cooperation. The methodology was developed by Martin Unfried (Maastricht University) as part of the Interreg project ‘Crossquality’ within the Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine (EMR) programme. It is presented in the ‘Handbook” Analyzing the Quality of Cross-Border Cooperation“ and it is an excellent material to kick off the discussions on this topic. The handbook provides practical guidance on how to assess the quality of cross-border cooperation (CBC). The focus is to determine whether the impact of a specific Interreg programme on the quality of CBC in different sectors can be adequately addressed. This approach aims at facilitating the ex-post evaluation of Interreg programmes in particular with respect to CBC qualities but its essence can also be useful to reflect on practices in the generation, assessment and monitoring of projects.
This handbook is a very practical document to supplement existing methods for conducting programme evaluations highlighting CBC qualities and their impacts hitherto.
In addition to the introduction and discussion of this approach, we would also like to show the state of play and how this topic is handled in other Interreg programmes.