Event Details
Peer-Review session for a programme-specific SCO – Interreg BSR hourly rate for staff costs

Building on the positive experience from the July SCO workshop, Interact organises a peer-review session to discuss/review/examine the draft methodology for a programme-specific SCO.
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme will present their draft methodology for a single hourly rate per country (DE, DK, EE, FI, LV, LT, PL, SE, NO, RU) for staff costs, which will be reviewed by other programmes.
The objective of this session is to take a good look at a specific programme example, by critically & constructively reviewing the approach (audit perspective). The intention is to help designing a sound methodology and providing additional input from other programmes’ knowledge. This will not only help the “reviewed” programme but will also contribute to the setting-up of SCOs in other programmes by gaining more knowledge and discovering new aspects.
Preparatory material will be provided to participants before the meeting.
Target group
The online session is for experienced MA and JS staff, working with SCOs. If you register for the event you are strongly encouraged to actively contribute to the discussion(s), the event is not designed to listen-in, only.
Please take note, that we will exclusively focus on the review aspect, we will not discuss basic SCO issues or questions from other SCO areas. If you would like to learn more about SCOs, check out our online course SCOs explained and find more resources on SCOs here.