Event Details
Management verifications headaches
Want to get rid of a headache quickly?
It is well known that we can treat most headaches effectively with medication. However, the headaches from management verifications must be treaded rapidly by actively participating in an Interact workshop concerning the control.
Doing so, Interact organises this workshop to inform about the new requirements concerning management verification 2021-2027. In particular, we focus on the requirements from Articles 46 and 36 of the ETC Regulation (Article 46 - Functions of the managing authority concerning the control and Article 36 - Responsibilities of managing authorities and partners concerning transparency and communication.
We address staff from all structures involved in management verifications.
For further information, please email florin.neculcea@interact-eu.net
If you have problems with the registration tool, please email us, and we will help you.
We look forward to meeting you online.