Event Details
Keep up with interregional cooperation: EU Regions Week
Tuesday, 13 October, 2020
Online 9:30 – 11:00 CET
Are you keen to learn how regions and cities can benefit from cooperation with the other EU regions? Would you like to gain a new understanding of the geography of COVID-19, and the tried-and-tested solutions that will help the recovery after the crisis? Are you eager to join the thematic networks or to learn about the evidence base?
Meet the representatives from the four pan-European Territorial Cooperation Programmes - ESPON, Interact, Interreg Europe and URBACT and get to know what these programmes have to offer you.
This session is part of Interact's platform at EU Regions Week.
You can watch this session via Replay, on the EU Regions Week website.
Contact: Mercedes Acitores
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