Event Details
INFO SESSION “Live data exchange via INDEX Potentials for synergies in the Mediterranean”

The Med Lab Group is a platform for all Interreg programmes in the Mediterranean region to discuss and explore ways to work together and coordinate efforts. The aim is to achieve common goals, maximize the impact of EU resources, and improve the capabilities of programme authorities and beneficiaries. The group promotes a more integrated approach to policy implementation and encourages cooperation among programmes operating in the same area.
With the launch of new calls, the network's focus has shifted towards practical discussions on building synergies during the implementation phase. Having information about project applications, funding, and partner involvement in neighbouring programmes can greatly support synergy efforts. Interact has developed a new programme management tool called INDEX, which enables live data exchange to facilitate cooperation across programmes in a more efficient manner. The objectives of this meeting are as follows:
- Inform Interreg programmes in the Mediterranean about the capacities of INDEX for working in synergies and more.
- Explore the interest of programmes in developing a INDEX pilot in the Mediterranean.
- Discuss if data sharing across programmes could be useful within the context of the Sustainable Tourism Mechanism pilot, which currently has six programmes on board
Kindly note that participation in this meeting is by invitation only.
For more information about INDEX, please contact ilze.ciganska@interact-eu.net
For more information about Synergies in the Mediterranean, please contact mercedes.acitores@interact-eu.net