Event Details

HIT 2021 - 2027 Reporting - Questions and Answers meeting

Thursday, 22 April, 2021
Online 13:00 - 15:30 CET

Practical approaches for implementation of project reporting in Interreg 2021-2027

Historically, harmonisation of practices in Interreg programme and project management started many years ago, and it now continues in a new version while we prepare for the next programming period. HIT (2014- 2020) was taken up by 60% of Interreg programmes, and provided a more harmonised interpretation of regulatory requirements for many others. This led to increased legal certainty for programme authorities, given the large number of adopters. A recent Interact impact evaluation showed that HIT contributed to a more efficient programme implementation, offering off-the-shelf implementation tools in line with EU regulations and guidance, thus sparing programmes from having to develop tools on their own. Above all, HIT achieved simplification for actors working in multiple programmes, including Interreg applicants, beneficiaries and national controllers.

Since 2019, 26 programmes have been meeting regularly to update and optimise the HIT tools for the 2021-2027 programming period, based on the templates developed in the 2014-2020 period. The focus for this new version of HIT is on changes required by the regulatory framework and simplification for projects and programme bodies. 

Currently, tools used in the project selection process are available as final drafts on our website. As soon as they are ready, project monitoring tools (partner and project reports, progress monitoring checklist, national control package) will also be made available.

To enable the smooth implementation of these tools, we are inviting all Interreg programmes, including IPA CBC and ENI programmes, to an online question and answers meeting where we will explain the underlying approaches used in HIT tools for reporting, as previously done for the application package. Participants will have the opportunity to ask detailed questions and discuss potential challenges in reporting in the upcoming programming period.

This is your chance to discover the reporting tools in HIT 2021-2027 avant-première, and ask all your questions!

Online meeting objectives

  • To explain the agreed approaches in HIT tools
  • To reply to questions programmes might have about the HIT tools for reporting and their use, including flexibility options 
  • To promote Harmonised Implementation Tools for the 2021-2027 period

This event is for you, if you are or will be responsible for preparing the implementation tools for the next period (2021-2027) in your Interreg programme.

Please register for this event using the buttton below. If, having read the agenda, you wish more information, or have any questions about this meeting, please contact the member of Interact's staff whose name appears below.

Presentations I HIT Reporting - Q&A meeting
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