Event Details

Harmonisation of programme specific indicators

Wednesday, 18 November, 2020
Online 13:30 – 15:30 CET

This online event gives Interreg programmes the possibility to discuss approaches to programme specific indicators for certain topics.

There is a clear recommendation to consider common indicators as first choice but some programmes might wish to capture different outputs and/or results. If so, it could still be a rewarding exercise to team up with other programmes in order to avoid the situation we have for the current period: An enormous number of indicators across programmes and quite limited options to underpin the story of Interreg at the European level with comparable quantitative data.

The aim of this event is to:

  • identify similar plans and needs related to programme specific common indicators and in best case
  • agree on a common wording and use the same indicator

Although each Interreg programme has its specific approach, there are many activities, which are quite similar across Interreg programmes. In order to aggregate data and tell a common story of Interreg we would like to support the harmonisation process for programme specific indicators: We have already started in the field of capacity building and for transnational programmes covered by macro-regional strategies. We will share the outcome of these discussions in the event.

Now we would like to explore the indicator plans and options for harmonisation in other fields. Therefore, we ask you in the registration to indicate thematic fields where you would like to share and discuss planned indicators with colleagues. We want to be very concrete: The focus of this meeting should be on agreeing on the harmonisation of certain programme specific indicators.

This event is particularly aimed at the managers from Joint Secretariats and Managing Authorities involved in the preparation of the 2021-2027 programmes.

Presentations | Harmonisation of programme specific indicators
Contact: Daniela Minichberger
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