Event Details

Evaluation specials: PO5, SPF, OSI

Friday, 22 September, 2023
Online, 9:30 - 12:15

For this period a couple of new programme elements call for particular attention when designing and implementing evaluations. This is why we’ve dedicated this webinar to the specificities in evaluation for:

  • Policy Objective (PO5)
  • Operations of Strategic Importance (OSI)
  • Small Project Funds (SPF)

Why we think it is worthwhile discussing it? A couple of initial thoughts on it:

Policy Objective 5: Key operational features are the involvement of local and regional stakeholders encouraging animation and mobilisation on the ground and a different approach to project generation; when looking at achievements the integrated strategy – next to the programme - is the crucial strategic layer to discuss the value-added of outcomes – hence the specificities of PO5 could be anchored in the operational as well as the impact evaluation.

Operations of Strategic Importance: Putting OSIs in the programme means a commitment of the programme partners and raises expectations in terms of impact and visibility; OSI that deserve their name should have a strategic dimension that is worth looking into when evaluating the impact. The character of OSI may vary ranging from major investment projects to capacity building or SPFs. In some cases – such as OSI focussing on capacity-building - it might be worth considering to build evaluations steps into the project to safeguard a targeted and effective approach or to devote a set of evaluation questions and a focus group to make sure capturing its outreach and impact.

Small Project Funds: SPFs can be considered as tools and usually have an important function for the programme (e.g. to attract new applicants, to provide seed-financing for new ideas etc.); same as for the two other elements (PO5, OSI) one can derive specific considerations on the operational and impact dimension that might deserve a specific position and approach in the evaluation.


We invite you to a brainstorming to clarify the specific requirements of PO5, SPF and OSI. In particular, we would like to:

  • Discuss specificities of the three elements that deserve particular attention;
  • Derive specific requirements for the evaluation approach; and
  • Explore tentative evaluation questions.
Contact: Daniela Minichberger
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