Event Details

Designing and delivering online events (training for beginners)

Tuesday, 27 April, 2021
Online 09:00 - 12:00 CET

Back in January, we ran an online training "Designing and delivering online events", for people who are absolute beginners in planning and running online meetings and events.

We were blown off our feet with the response – but sad that we could only accept 30 participants.

The great news is that we are running the same training again, this time on 27 April. Which means if you did not get a place in January, you are welcome to apply for a place on the new date.

Would you know where to start if your manager asked you to plan and run an online event? If your answer to this question is "No", then this is the event for you!



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If you have already been responsible for an online event, co-produced an online event or even delivered a session at an online event – then this isn't the event for you. However, we have your needs at heart too, so we are planning to hold a different event for those of you who have some online experience. This "2nd level" event will take place on 25 May – watch the Interact website for more details and registration.

Update on 27 April event.

Kindly note that this event is now fully-subscribed and registration is closed. However, there is every possibility that we will run the event again, later this year. So you are welcome to read the agenda, then think carefully about whether you are a true beginner in online events. Then you will be ready to register when we announce we are repeating the event. 

Meanwhile, if you have any questions, you are welcome to contact the Interact staff member whose name appears below.


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