Event Details

Certifying Authority network meeting

Tuesday, 15 March, 2016
Barcelona, Spain

The network of Certifying Authorities met a year ago and it was decided to continue meetings on annual basis to exchange, share good ideas and formulate common understanding in regards to CA roles and responsibilities.

During the event DG Regio representatives presented the Guidance on annual accounts and the Guidance on irregularities, recoveries and withdrawals.

Participants will be provided with an opportunity to discuss with other programmes on how they ensured the separation of functions of CA and MA, which types of verifications will be implemented by CA within 2014 - 2020 perspective.

The event was dedicated to Interreg programmes Certifying Authorities.

For more information please contact Malgorzata Zdunek firstname.surname@interact-eu.net 

Presentation | Closure 2007-2013
Presentation | Annual Accounts
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