Event Details
Capitalisation Tailored Support - Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro (Core activity 2)
The workshop is the second and almost final step of the support activity provided by Interact to the Programmes selected under the "Capitalisation Tailored Support" service, for 2021.
Each of the 5 Interreg programme selected has agreed a specific roadmap for its "Capitalisation Tailored Support Package" and are now setting up concrete activities and steps aimed at establishing or enhancing their capitalisation approaches 2021-2027.
The support includes the implementation of specific coaching & capacity building events, as well as concrete support in defining and drafting the relevant capitalisation procedures and documents.
In this case, Interact and the IT-AL-ME programme are willing to fine-tune the ‘model’ of capitalisation drafted for the 2021-2027 period for this programme, as well as its operational features and activities.
This ad-hoc event, as part of the approved "Capitalisation Tailoreed Support Package", is restricted to the Programme's Authorities and bodies.
For further information you can contact: capitalisation.support@interact-eu.net