Event Details

6th HIT Core group meeting - content

Wednesday, 16 September, 2020 to Friday, 18 September, 2020
Online, 9:30 - 12:30 CET (all 3 days)

The HIT Core group will meet for the 6th time. At this meeting, the programmes will discuss the reporting tools to be used in the 2021-2027 period. To the extent possible, we will also try to close discussions on the State Aid plug-in for the Application form, and discussions about Application forms for small project fund and micro-projects.

The meeting will be held online, spread over 6 days. Each day we will meet in the morning for 3 hours. From 16 to 18 September we will discuss the content parts of the reporting tools, and from 22 to 24 September we will focus on the finance parts.

The agenda will be sent to invited programmes as soon as it is complete.  The discussion points will depend on comments provided by HIT Core group members prior to the meeting.


Kindly note that participation in this meeting is by invitation only.

Contact: Polona Frumen
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