Event Details
6th CBC finance network meeting

We are organizing the 6th CBC finance network meeting to continue exchange activities among finance staff of the Interreg cross-border family (including NEXT programmes), The event is designed to create a space to exchange on various finance-related issues, relevant for all cross-border programmes. Participants will gain an understanding and overview of approaches applied by different programmes when tackling financial issues; they will share ideas and work together towards solutions to common challenges.
The agenda provides an indicative overview of topics that could be of interest for finance offices from Interreg programmes. As always, the list of topics is not exhaustive and during the registration we will collect topics that are of interest for you and integrate them in the agenda (depending on the interest and time availability). Thus, the agenda items remain subject to adjustment, in line with the information collected during the registration.
The main objective of this network meeting is to discuss open questions regarding programming and setting up programme procedures (with the focus on finance). We will work on several subjects related to the financial programme management (which could be, e.g. set up of the management verification system, handling of revenues, eligibility of cost categories, technical assistance / cash flows etc.).
Target group
This network meeting is targeting experienced finance officers, working at the joint secretariats/managing authorities of Interreg programmes (including NEXT programmes). To ensure participation of a wide range of programmes in the network meeting, the participation will be limited to 2 representatives per programme/ Member State (depends on the demand).