Event Details
4th Contact Point (NCP) network meeting

We are happy to invite national/regional contact/info points (NCP) colleagues from all Interreg programmes (including Interreg IPA and NEXT) to join the 4th edition of the NCP network meeting.
The one-and-a-half-day network meeting’s aim is to continue the exchange of experience on the NCPs’ work with managing authorities and joint secretariats, beneficiaries as well as local/regional/national authorities. Together we will address different relevant topics with the opportunity to share practical experiences of your daily work; we will identify common challenges and share ideas and possible solutions. This whole exercise aims to support you to gain knowledge of the different approaches put in place in different programmes and/or NCP structures.
The draft agenda provides some of the topics to be discussed during the network meeting. We will collect input from you during the registration and will integrate topics of interest into the final agenda in order to respond to your needs and challenges.
Therefore, the final agenda might be updated in order to reflect, as much as possible, the participants’ suggestions.
Who is it for?
The event is dedicated to national/regional contact/info points of Interreg programmes (including Interreg IPA and NEXT).
The network meeting foresees a very active contribution from all the participants.
Please be ready to share and present your experience as well as any approaches and ideas.
There will be group work, and most of the sessions will consist of a short introduction to the topic, followed by an open discussion and exchange.
The event is fully booked and the registration is closed.