Event Details

2nd HIT Core Group meeting

Tuesday, 18 June, 2019 to Thursday, 20 June, 2019
Athens, Greece

The main aim of this meeting is to discuss and agree on - or modify - Interact's proposal for a set of harmonised project selection tools. For this we will use the HIT Application Form, or parts of it. The proposal will address questions such as:


How can HIT guide project partners and applicants to deliver what programmes need?  Here, we design the structure of the intervention logic and identify the data interlinks with reporting tools.

How to best integrate communication in the project life cycle?

How can financial tools help projects (and programme bodies) focus more on the content of their work? How can we integrate SCOs into projects in the most effective way?


The discussions will be split into thematic agendas (Communication on the 18th, Content on the 19th and Finance on the 20th), and programmes will have the opportunity to react and discuss the above questions, and make proposals. 

Kindly note that participation in this meeting is by invitation only.

For further details, please email Peter Racz at peter.racz@interact-eu.net 

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