Event Details

2021–27: What’s new?

Wednesday, 14 April, 2021
Online 09:30 - 16:00 CET

The new set of provisions for the period 2021-27 is ready!

Compared to the 2014-2020 period, the new Interreg Regulation has become more comprehensive, and it includes many aspects previously covered in other regulations or delegated acts. In the negotiations, the initial set of draft regulations proposed by the Commission has undergone substantial changes.

The focus of the event will be on the new implementation provisions for the future generation of programmes.

Together with colleagues from DG Regio we will:

  • Present the novelties in legal provisions for Interreg
  • Provide answers to questions handed in during the registration
  • Offer room to raise questions

Please note!

We kindly ask you to use the opportunity to raise questions in the registration since the room for interactive Q&A might be quite limited - depending on the number of participants.

All Interreg stakeholders and programme bodies are invited to attend (managing authority, joint secretariat, Member State representatives, monitoring committee members, audit authorities, group of auditor members, etc.).

The event will target mainly the ‘internal’ Interreg programmes from all strands. We will provide an overview on novelties and programme features common for all programmes, but we will not go into specificities for external cooperation programmes.

For external cooperation programmes please see the 2021-2027 External cooperation - what's new event on 20 April 2021.

Presentation | The Interreg Regulation 2021-2027 | DG REGIO
Video | 2021-27: What's new? - Introduction
Video | 2021-27: What's new? - Session 1
Video | 2021-27: What's new? - Session 2
Video | 2021-27: What's new? - Session 3
Video | 2021-27: What's new? - Session 4
Q&A | 2021-27: What's new? The Interreg Regulation 2021-2027
Contact: Bernhard Schausberger
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