Event Details

11 common mistakes in digital communication

Tuesday, 13 July, 2021
Online 14:00 - 15:30 CET

This training event is organised by the Europen Commission, in cooperation with the Interact programme, for the members of the INFORM EU network. The training is based on our online course „10 common mistakes in digital communication“, available for free on Interact's Online Learning Platform. This training will help you avoid or fix the most common mistakes in digital communication, especially in public administration and EU programme context. We will explain what the most common problems are and, more importantly, give you practical tips on how to fix them. The main topics we will cover include popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, tips on dealing with internet trolls, audience segmentation, online events, and more!

This session will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and will also be webstreamed: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/11-common-mistakes-in-digital-communication 

The presentation will begin at 2pm CET and will last 1h, after which a 30 minutes Q&A session will take place. (please connect already at 13h45).

The training will be filmed and the images of part or of the whole training are web cast and recorded. Full speeches or parts of them may be reused for internal documentation or in any public communication activity or pedagogical project. Your participation to this public training involves the acceptance of being filmed and no restriction fee will be asked for any use or reuse of the recorded images.

Register to join the session in Microsoft Teams and discover what’s in for you!

If you are not yet a member of the INFORM EU network on MS Teams, please request via email: inform@ec.europa.eu 

Contact: Nebojsa Nikolic
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