Event Details
10th Audit Authorities (AA) network meeting
It has been 10 years ago since we created a network for auditors and Group of Auditors members who audit Interreg programmes and focus on specific Interreg related problems. The Interact network complements discussions that take place in the Homologues Group and Technical Meetings organised by the European Commission.
Our 2019 meeting will take place from 9.30am to 5pm on 28 May in Marseille. The agenda is currently being discussed and will cover current issues related to operation audits and submission of accounts. We will also continue the dialogue with the EC on the post-2020 practical implementation of audit and control systems.
Following back-to-back approach, on 29 May the 3rd network meeting on the audit issues for the ENI CBC programmes will take place. The agenda is being currently developed and the respective Audit Authorities will be contacted by TESIM (www.tesim-enicbc.eu) in upcoming days.